UFO Sky Pilots: Pilots of Peace and Oneness
UFO Sky Pilots: Pilots
of Peace and Oneness
I was further informed that the United States authorities are investigating along quite a number of lines which might possibly be related to the saucers such as mental phenomena. Wilbert Smith, writing in November 1950, who ran the official Canadian government flying saucer investigation from 1950 to 1954.
One account is an anecdotal
story. Two accounts are evidence. Fifty accounts that tell the same story need serious investigation.
In 2013,
after 38 years of UFO research, an elderly lady approached me. She claimed that
she had flown the flying saucer. I thought she was completely insane. Why would
they let her fly the craft and how can someone fly a ship that might have
technology one thousand years more advanced than ours? I had never heard of such a crazy thing in 38 years of research.
I kept thinking that at that time
(2013) could not drive the car in Saudi Arabia unless a man was in the car with
her. This woman was claiming that she was essentially allowed to fly the craft
without a man being with her, without insurance, and without a license to fly.
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Pam DuPuis was my first sky pilot. |
Since that occasion I have become aware of 50 cases of people
who have claimed to have flown the craft. They are a few of the 14% that
replied to the FREE survey of
3000 experiencers being questioned who stated that day had flown the
craft. The the 50 cases
are from around the world. in
the UFO sky pilot book, I stuck to simply describing what people told
The story they told about flying the craft, seeing in 360 degrees, the craft being bigger on the inside as compared to outside, and going anywhere in the Universe almost instantly, was futuristically weird and hard to believe. It was weird but consistent with all the witnesses. How could so many people make up the same weird story?
The stories that I heard fit a very distinct pattern as to how the craft was piloted. The only variations in the story was that each person touched something different to become one with the craft, which in turn told the craft what to do.
The explanation probably has to do with the fact that uniqueness is the rule in the universe. All snowflakes are snowflakes but each is unique. All dreams are dreams but all dreams are different.
This theory was backed up by Dr. James Lacatski who ran the AAWSAP investigation of Skinwalker Ranch and UFOs for the Defense Intelligence Agency. He state that the 200,000 sightings that they had in their data base showed that people were all seeing something different, almost as if travelling down the L.A. freeway all the cars were different.
This is a significant discovery as it shows looking for patterns in UFO sighting will never reveal an answer.
example would be the dream most people have had where they describe the
situation of being naked. However, who they are naked in front of, and how it
happened will vary depending upon who has the dream. Here are the things that
were quite common in the accounts of flying the craft.
all of the accounts were single incident events where the person only
remembered one experience of flying the craft. This does not mean that they did
not have more than one occasion to fly the craft. it may simply mean that they
only recalled one incident.
number of the people who told the story referred to the fact that there were
entities or people behind them as they entered the craft. They did not know
whether they were human or the entities from the craft.
a number of cases people described that they stood in the ship and were told to
“do it.” These people replied that they did not know what to do and the voice
behind them from these two people or entities stated, “you know what to do just
do it.”[i]
At that point the person simply went and flew the craft without any further
is a there is a similar story that was told to me bye Marco Guimaraes. In his
case he was on board a ship with the number of beings. They were gathered
around a table on which there appeared to be a small Gray. The gray appeared to
be in the middle of an operation. One of the beings had a long rod which had light
coming from it.
walked up to the table to see what was going on and saw that the being was
using the rod to touch around where the operation was taking place on the body.
As he watched, another being asked him, “would you like to help?”
said he would, and the being handed him the rod. As he took the rod he said, “I
don't know what to do.” that being said to him “you know what to do just do it.”
These are exactly the same words they were used on at least a couple of
occasions to people flying the ship. Marco moved the rod around the small grey Under
table and that seemed to be the thing to do as none of the entities objected.
of the most important aspects of flying the ship and it was common to almost
every single witness was the fact that they were told to put their hand on an
object or on the ends of a chair that they were sitting in. The only exception
was one witness who described that the aliens operating the ship did not
actually touch the panel board, but just waved their hand above it.
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Panel seen inside UFO by Chris Bledsoe |
the witnesses were told to put their hand on one of the following objects 1) a
flat council control panel they ran along the side of the ship 2) a ball 3) a
raised pedestal in the middle of the ship that appeared to have around beehive
shaped object on top 4) the ends of the chair they were sitting in which
sometimes involve putting their fingers in halls at the end of the arms of the
chair. In the stories told about the chair, people described that the chair fit
perfectly as if it had been designed for their body. 5) A panel on the wall of
the craft.
this point the stories get very familiar. Almost every witness described the
fact that at this point they became ONE with the craft. They and the craft
became one synonymous object. They described the fact that they believed the
ship was actually alive, and that their brain who is linked in to the brain of
the ship. Whatever they thought is what the ship thought. Some described the
fact that they communicated with the ship. One gave the ship a name. One felt deeply
sorry for the ship when she realized she could communicate with it. She
apologized to it that it had to play the role of the ship. The ship replied
that this was okay, and this was their role.
idea that the ship is alive is extremely important. It goes to the very popular
discussion of artificial intelligence, which has been discussed in the UFO
community as well as many other areas of science.
is being described by the experiencers is a ship that is exhibiting artificial
intelligence. It is alive and can make decisions on its own. Keep connection
would appear to be that the ship is alive. This would mean that the memory an
intelligence are stored in biological systems as opposed to electronic
have described the fact the military he's already experimenting or has already
used bio boards which would involve biological computer boards doing the mean
computing inside the computer.
the witnesses describe is that artificial intelligence is possible and is in
our future. It also shows that the entities in the ship still maintain complete
control over this system as opposed to the computer HAL in the movie 2001 a
space odyssey, in which the computer decided to take over the ship.
of the witnesses reported that once this connection had been made with the ship,
they could suddenly see in 360-degree vision. This is important in the study of
the paranormal because people have studied near death experiences and out of
body experiences will report the same 360-degree vision accounts. The ability
to see in 360 degrees makes no sense in the physical world, but in the
paranormal world it seems to be a common description once the physical body is
removed from the equation.
next important part of the process described is potentially most important part
of all. Once the connection is made many of the people are asked where would
you like to go or what would you like to do. When the person says where they
would like to go the entity will often reply “it is all within you” or “think
where you would like to go.”
You see yourself as a puny form, when within you the entire universe is enfolded. Sufi statement
strongly implies that the flying of the craft is he by product of the
consciousness of the experiencer who has been brought on board. More
importantly it may indicate that everything is consciousness and that the
person's ability to fly the craft is proof to the individual of how powerful
consciousness is and what it can do. He reflects back to the words of the channeler
that led to the new age movement, Jane Roberts (who channeled the entity, Seth.
Roberts stated, “you manifest all that is around you. There is no other rule.”
the people who flow the craft would report “whatever I thought is what the
craft did. All I had to do is think about it and the craft would do it.”
ability had no limit. People reported being able to instantaneously move
anywhere in the universe instantaneously.
key account was given by Ron Johnson who was asked where he would like to go. He
stated that he would like to see the Milky Way from a distance. He was told it
was all within him. Now he should think about it. Within one second, he said he
looked out the window and there in the distance was the Milky Way.
distance that Ron would have gone, based upon where we are in the Milky Way,
would have to involve 50 to 70,000 light years of distance. All this happened
in one second. If true, this would indicate that are present concept of time in
space had some problems with it. It would also indicate that by listening
carefully to experiencers we will be able to establish the gaps in scientific
knowledge, solve them, and win a Nobel Prize.
a couple of cases, witnesses describe to me the fact they when they were children,
they were in training sessions with other children. They would tell the story
of sitting in a circle with other children. There would be an adult entity
running the lesson. The people who reported it said they could not see the top
part of the entity as if they were not able to move their head up.
they would do in this training is move different colored balls from child to
child by levitating them. One described that there were three distinct colors.
One color was extremely easy to levitate. The second was harder. The third was
extremely hard to levitate.
the same way I talked to two witnesses who are part of MILAB abduction. They
both reported that the humans who had kidnapped them had them in a chair and
they were asked to levitate a small egg-shaped object up and through a hoop. it
was positioned above the table.
question then arises as to why entities should abduct people and then let them
fly the ship. In the ordinary 3D World this makes absolutely no sense. We can
only guess what might be going on.
fact that the military abduction people we are doing the same telekinesis
experiment of levitating we tend to indicate that this is part of learning to
fly the ship. It would make sense that the military would want to develop this
technique to go along with any flying saucer technology they are developing.
As I have mentioned numerous times, in November 1950, a Top-Secret Canadian memo clearly spells out that Wilbert Smith, who was running the Canadian program, was told by American authorities that mental phenomena might be associated with the flying saucers.
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From Page 2 of the November 1950 Top Secret memo on Flying Saucers |
would officials know that mental phenomenon was involved? We now know that the
entities use telepathy, but the first entities written up in books using to telepathy
did not appear till 1952. Somehow two years earlier American officials already
knew the mental phenomena was involved. It may have been, but they did recover
a live alien in the 1947 Roswell crash, and the rumors about it telepathically
speaking in people’s heads might just be true.
would explain why in the 1950s intelligence agencies were so active in doing mind
experiments such as work with LSD and hypnosis, and other things that we might
not now be aware of. The intention of all these experiments might have been
mind control but more importantly they were seeking to understand the
consciousness component that makes up a human.
they know that and how it operates the intelligence people would have all sorts
of potential projects that they could work on to support the national insecurity
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MK-Ultra document. The project was set up to break the consciousness mystery. |
least the military has openly taken an interest in this idea of flying the
craft with the mind. Chris Bledsoe is one of the people who related to me his
experience or being able to fly the craft. Chris has had a lot of contact and a
lot of military intelligence people watching closely to try to understand why
he has contact with the intelligence and why the phenomenon seems to ignore
intelligence officials.
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Chris Bledsoe |
I asked
Chris whether any of the military people had asked him about his experience
flying craft down the Cape Fear River. He stated yes. He reported that he had
been approached by a US Air Force general who him to relate the details have flown
the craft. Chris related to him everything he could remember
In UFO Sky Pilots I present over three
dozen+ UFO sky pilots that I have talked to about their experience. They oh basically tell the same
story. The witnesses range from the man on the street to a 747 United Airlines
pilot, to a retired US Air Force Colonel. The book stories help create a new
theory of reality much different than the one that we accept today.
The story told by the three dozen+ witnesses in this
book also backup the idea
that consciousness is a key component to understanding the UFO mystery. The
three dozen+ people in this book will help to explain how the beings get here,
where they are from, and most importantly
why they are here.
I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness. Max Planck the father of quantum physics.
story they tell is not a story that anybody would ever think about if they were
going to try to fake a UFO abduction. Who would ever believe they were permitted
to fly the ship?
in this book everybody told the same story, and in many cases, it was a story
that they were hesitant to tell. They told the story when accounts of people
flying the ship will not find on the Internet.
experiencer stories are extremely important. Sadly, UFO research has ignored
these witnesses. The stories they tell are important because unlike watching
lights in the sky they are stories of encounters directly with the UFO
intelligence, whatever that UFO intelligence might be.
are we going to understand what the intelligence is without trying to talk to
it? How are we going to know what the intelligence wants without talking to it? Lastly how are we going to know how the ship is flown without talking to the
many witnesses who claim they have actually had the experience of flying a UFO?
This book and all Grant's books can be found on his publishing site
The next book out by Grant will be Weird: Paranormal Tales of Apports and Manifestations. It looks at object that move mysterious, objects that are mysteriously changed, and objects that mysteriously appear and disappear. These events happen in all fields of the paranormal.
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