UFO Sky Pilots: Pilots of Peace and Oneness
UFO Sky Pilots: Pilots of Peace and Oneness I was further informed that the United States authorities are investigating along quite a number of lines which might possibly be related to the saucers such as mental phenomena. Wilbert Smith, writing in November 1950, who ran the official Canadian government flying saucer investigation from 1950 to 1954. https://itsallconnected.weebly.com/books.html One account is an anecdotal story. Two accounts are evidence. Fifty accounts that tell the same story need serious investigation. In 2013, after 38 years of UFO research, an elderly lady approached me. She claimed that she had flown the flying saucer. I thought she was completely insane. Why would they let her fly the craft and how can someone fly a ship that might have technology one thousand years more advanced than ours? I had never heard of such a crazy thing in 38 years of research. I kept thinking that at that time (2013) could not drive the car in Saudi Arabia unless a m...