Ron Pandolfi and the TicTac Video Hoax Explained

Ron Pandolfi and the TicTac Video Hoax Explained Ron Pandolfi, a high-level intelligence official, has now stated that the Tic Tac video, released by the New York Times in 2017, came from a German film online in recent Sarfatti chain email. This relates to the fact that the TicTac video appears to have been leaked in Germany years before appearing in the New York Times. Pandolfi is rumored to be the man with the keys to classified UFO stuff, who spends most of his taxpayer-funded job trashing UFO material on the internet and answering UFO mail from people. He was recently the subject of an investigation by Bloomberg News who called him a troll. Pandolfi has complained about being loons, crooks, and worse. I always remind him that if he wants to tell everyone what is going on, I will be willing to listen and record it for history. Until he does we will continue to guess. What other option is there? Here is one statement he made in an email exchange ( on the same day of the NYT 201...