Ron Pandolfi and the TicTac Video Hoax Explained


Ron Pandolfi and the TicTac Video Hoax Explained

Ron Pandolfi, a high-level intelligence official, has now stated that the Tic Tac video, released by the New York Times in 2017, came from a German film online in recent Sarfatti chain email. This relates to the fact that the TicTac video appears to have been leaked in Germany years before appearing in the New York Times.

Pandolfi is rumored to be the man with the keys to classified UFO stuff, who spends most of his taxpayer-funded job trashing UFO material on the internet and answering UFO mail from people. He was recently the subject of an investigation by Bloomberg News who called him a troll.

Pandolfi has complained about being loons, crooks, and worse. I always remind him that if he wants to tell everyone what is going on, I will be willing to listen and record it for history. Until he does we will continue to guess. What other option is there?

Here is one statement he made in an email exchange (on the same day of the NYT 2017 article) with Kit Green, and Robert Collins over whether or not Senator Reid was briefed. 

The problem with being "read in" is that it does not include any information, just a key to a place where information might be accessible and a warning that accessing that location could be associated with significant risk. Politicians are extremely risk averse, and accessing the location where the key might have value is extremely difficult. I keep a handful of keys in my pocket for just such occasion when a politician might demand access. "Here you are sir or madam; you now have a key; use it at great personal risk; or leave that to me."
He is also famous for the rumors surrounding his wife and her origin on Earth (long story told in some of my 4 UFO disclosure books).

As to the TiCTac video, here is how Elizondo described the video release.

The fact of the matter appears to be that the film was provided by a Rhonda Essex in the public affairs department in the Pentagon. There was no brown paper bag. You will note that the date of the transfer was September 2017, months before Elizondo quit and months before To The Stars was formed. If Essex received permission from Elizondo to provide the DVDs, it was done while Elizondo was still on duty.

In January 2017, a few months before the TicTac video was leaked, as Donald Trump came into the White House, that "They may be anticipating some action. I have been waiting for President-Elect Trump to take office before taking more serious actions. He is very "pro-disclosure" and very anti "disinformation." 

The question then becomes, was Pandolfi aware of the leak of the video? More importantly, was this a part of a red team operation in intelligence to get in front of the UFO story with leaks to control and at the same time acclimatize the public as was suggested in the 1960s Rand study.

Many may not know who Pandolfi is or that he has been since 1983 an advisor to the President since the Reagan administration, or that he works with AARO.

Keep in mind that as Dr. Eric Davis stated, there is 10x the money spent on the security of a black budget program as the program itself. This leads to the question of what are they spending the money on, and why are all the whistleblowers coming forward not in jail for leaking the most classified information in the black budget world?

Pandolfi has provided a lot of interesting quotes and accuses me of stealing them, so here is another stolen quote to think about.


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