The Big Game : Chapter 6 - Time, Space, and the Paranormal
Table of Contents
Introduction 2
Chapter 1 - The WOW of Marks 8
UFOs 8
The WOW of Clothes 12
The Abductee Marks 16
Abductees Marks 23
Mission Rahma Marks 26
Bigfoot Marks 26
Marks on Aliens 31
The Crop Circles 34
The Marks on Things 35
Chapter 2 - Consciousness 41
Creation in the Spirit World 41
The Tezjbar Creation Model 46
Chapter 3 – Telepathy 49
Autistic Telepathy 50
Chapter 4 - Channeling 55
Skinwalker 63
Chapter 5 - Animals 66
Precognition 68
Cattle Mutilations 69
Telepathy 71
Lucid Dreaming 74
Portal Animals 75
Creation of the Spirit World 79
Chapter 6 – Time, Space, and the Paranormal 83
Go Instantly to a spot near or far. 88
Healing Not Influenced by Time of Space 91
Psychedelics and Time 92
Life Between life (LBL) and Time 93
The Brain, Consciousness, and Time 93
Mediums. ITC, Remote Viewing, and Channelers 96
Chapter 7 - Going Through Walls 99
Chapter 8 - 360 Degree Vision 101
Chapter 9 - Out Of Body Experiences 104
Blind OBE subjects 107
Chapter 10 - Near Death Experiences 108
NDE, and the Blind 112
Non-Ocular Vision 114
Chapter 11 - Light 121
The Strange Paranormal Light 122
Chapter 12 - Colors 130
Chapter 13 - Healing 138
UFO Technologies 141
Clairvoyance 142
Chapter 14 - Sasquatch 144
Chapter 15- Orbs 146
UFOs 146
Skinwalkers Ranch 149
Poltergeist 152
Crop Circles 153
UFO Abductions 154
Orbology 158
Chapter 16 - Entities 166
Psychedelics 166
UFO Entities 168
Lucid Dreaming 170
The Religious Aliens 174
The Eyes 182
Chapter 17 - Poltergeist 184
Chicken or Egg 189
Theory of Wow 193
Other Poltergeist Events and Lessons 195
Chapter 18 - Shadow Figures 199
Chapter 19 - Spirits & Guides 206
Chapter 20 - Hitchhikers 208
The Reflective Nature of the Hitchhiker 213
The Hitchhiker Attachment 218
Precognition 220
Ghosts, and Spirits 221
Exorcisms and Take Aways 224
Chapter 21 - Synchronicities 225
Charlie Red Star 226
Music Synchronicity 228
The Apport Synchronicities 231
The Uri Geller Synchronicity 235
Other Synchronicities 239
The Edgar Allen Poe Synchronicity 240
Clinton - Davids Synchronicity. 244
Understanding Synchronicity Events 246
Chapter 22 - Everything is Perfect 252
Chapter 23 - Rapid Image Cycling 259
The Spirit Connection 260
Suzy Hansen, Rapid Image Cycling, and Aliens 261
Enrique Villanueva, Rapid Images, and Aliens 262
School Kids, Rapid Image Cycling, and Aliens 263
Cynthia Marsh 264
Chapter 26 - Remote Viewing 267
The Lady of Light 271
More RV Paranormal Connections 272
Chapter 25 - Crystals 274
Crystals and the Dead 279
Chapter 26 - Apports 281
Chapter 27 - Ouija Board 292
TOP Right is Me 292
Channeling 295
Chapter 28 - Automatic Handwriting 299
Mission Rahma 301
The Emily Trim Story 304
Chapter 29 - The One 307
The Falling Leaves 307
The Conscious Oneness Key 308
Chapter 30 - Knew Everything 315
The Meaning 317
Chapter 31 - Meeting Dead People 321
Hollywood Level Contact with the Dead 324
More Death Crossovers 328
Chapter 32 - Abductions 331
Chapter 33 - Men in Black 334
A Government Confirmation 335
Black Helicopters 336
Triangles 340
Chapter 34 - All Different 344
Psilocybin 345
Piloting the Flying Saucer 346
Metals 346
Chapter 35 - Conclusion 353
Presentism 356
Index 368
Chapter 6 - Time and Space
If there is no time and space, then how big is the universe and when was it created? Grant Cameron
I think the UFO phenomenon is teaching us that we don't understand time and space. Here are objects that I think we have to call objects. They are physical. They interact and cause effects on the witnesses - on their psychology and physiology. They leave traces on the ground, and yet appear to be capable of manipulating time and space in ways that go beyond what our present physics understands today. Jacques Vallee
Because here we live in non-space which is timeless . Level V soul in the spirit world.
Space and time are not objects of perception, but qualities of awareness. Deepak Chopra
The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Jesus quote Luke 17:20-21
is doomed. There is no such thing as spacetime fundamentally in the actual
underlying description of the laws of physics. Nima Arkani-Hamed, Cornell
Messenger Lecture 2016.
In 2022 the Nobel Prize for
physics was awarded to three men, Alain Aspect, John Clauser, and Anton
Zeilinger for their work on what Einstein called spooky action at a distance.
This work involved entangled
particles and a mysterious connection between particles, even when separated by
vast distances. What was discovered was that two entangled particles were sent
away from each other, no matter what the distance what you did to one particle
immediately influenced the other. This phenomenon, called quantum entanglement,
challenged traditional notions of physics.
If two particles could immediately respond to something on the other side of the universe it indicated that there was something wrong with either our concept of space, or time, or both. When we look to the paranormal world we see this same spooky action at world repeatedly.
The perceived time and space in the physical road may be like other things we have perceived in the past that turned out to be wrong. We thought the world was flat because that is the way it looked. It was not. We thought the sun went around the earth because it appeared that way. The sun did not go around the earth,. We though the earth was still because it appears that way. It is not, It spins at 1,000 mph and is moving through space. We thought things were solid because they appear that way. They are not. Matter is almost 100% space.
perceive time and space because they appear to be there. Like the flat earth,
the sun going around the earth, the earth spinning, and solid matter, the more
evidence we collect the more it appears that time and space may just be more
things we believed because we could see it, and it made sense.
Lawyer Danny Sheehan was
involved in interviewing military UFO whistleblowers for the Senate intelligence
committee trying to get to the bottom of the UFO mystery. One of the witnesses told him the following story
about the recovery of a downed UFO that if true totally destroys the everyday
belief about time and space.
tried to hook a bulldozer to it to pull it out…They had a guy go into it. He
got in there, and it was as big as a football stadium. It was the size of a
football stadium, while the outside was only about thirty feet in diameter.
was freaking him out and started making him feel nauseous, he was so
disoriented because it was so gigantic inside. He staggered back out after
being in there a couple of minutes, and outside it was four hours later. There
was all kinds of time distortion and space distortion.
Other UFO experiencers like Chris Bledsoe and Terry Lovelace also have clear memories of
a craft that was small on the outside and massive on the inside.
New Zealand UFO experiencer told a similar story about how the entities on board the UFO could make the craft as big
as they wanted. Suzy said they had done this in front of her a number of times.
small group of eight of us were taken into a room of a very very large craft
like a city. We were told before we went in there that this was going to be a
bit different. They were going to be testing us out a little bit.
were going to ask us to participate, not just sit and watch, we had somehow
been selected for this out of a large group of humans. I am not sure how the selection
was made.
were taken into a room and…We had one grey telling us that they were going to
expand the space and that people would see the walls moving away. I have seen
this quite a number of times inside craft, and when I have been standing
outside a craft ready to be taken on board. The craft has been very small and I
thinking I will have to bend double to get in the door, and how is everyone
going to fit inside.
you begin to enter the entrance way and everything inside the craft suddenly
becomes much bigger and spacious. This is something that we don’t understand,
and we won’t figure out any time soon. So, we watched the walls begin to move
away until we could no longer see them. We were now just in a white space that
seemed endless. If it weren’t for the fact that my feet weren’t on the floor
and the floor was kind of soft and rubbery, I would have felt that I was
floating. [i]
There are many experiencers who claim that the intelligence can make the UFO as big as they want inside, and that they can
do this whenever they want.
Pam DuPuis, who was
the first person to tell me she had flown the craft, told me of this ability to
make the craft as big as they wanted and have it appeared on the outside as
small. She actually told me that the entities had crafts that were AS BIG AS A SOLAR SYSTEM
inside. If true, that is the ultimate example that space is not what we have come to believe.
Peter Whitley, and
experiencer in Japan told me a similar story. She stated
that he had learned to do out of body from training provided by the Monroe
He too stated that consciousness was a key element of the craft. The being
could simply move their hand to the wall of the craft and a book would come out
of the wall.
In the FREE survey people who had contact with non-human intelligence declared a couple of things that showed time and space inside the experience were not the same.
of respondents stated that they “seemed to become aware of multiple, overlaying
realities at the same time.”
· While in what people described as a “matrix” like type of reality 75.9% said time either speeded up or slowed down.
Even the cofounder of FREE Rey Hernandez reported the lack of time during an OBE
experience he had while stuck in a Miami traffic jam.
He was listening to a radio interview on NPR on liposuction when he was pulled into a nonlocal field of consciousness where he was shown a spinning wheel and given a lesson on contact modalities. Showing that all paranormal of the mind was the same thing and that people needed to quit parsing it into different subject. When he was returned to the car no time had passed as he told Jeffrey Mishlove.
When I got back into the car driving, guess what was playing on the radio? The same interview with that man doing a documentary about liposuction. It didn’t skip a beat. There was no time that had been spent. It appeared that it had lasted at least 20 or 30 minutes, but yet when I got back to that interview, it was nothing, no time had gone by.
The following related story is
where one of the most dramatic crossovers there is. It was reported to me by
Utah experiencer Ron Johnson.
Johnson has had a lifetime of
paranormal experiences like at least three dozen out of body
experiences, shadow people or orbs showing up in photos, messages from dead
people, sasquatch encounters, abductions, life between lives research, and
visits to the spirit world.
Johnson told me that on three
occasions his entity named Elbe took him into the spirit world.
The first time it was a dark
place, the second time he was with his dead mother, but he could not see here.
In the third event he was with his mother in a beautiful environment. There was
a green field and nearby was a building that looked like a small Mormon temple.
His mother told Ron that when he
died, he would get a room in this building. She stated she had a room in the
building and so did Ron’s deceased father.
When they went into the building the first thing that Ron reported was that the space inside was massive. It was much bigger than the outside. This leads to the question - was Johnson is a UFO that was screen imaged as a Mormon Temple or are UFOs that are reported bigger on the inside actually elements in the spirit world? In many of his experiences Ron maintained he was out of his body.
UFO experiencers also tell many stories that indicate time and
space are not what we were taught in school. The FREE survey discovered that, of the people who
answered the question that they were in a matrix type of reality where 75.9% reported that time appeared to
speed up of slow down. 65.6% stated that
time stopped or lost all meaning.
The experiencer Chris Bledsoe told me that the four hours that he spent on
the craft in January 2007 actually felt like four months.
Another question on time comes
with the FREE survey report that 41% of the people answering
the question saw scenes of the future. Either personally or from the world’s
future. Understandably this challenged the present dogma that time flies like
an arrow.
This absence of time and the
ability to see the future is mentioned extensively in the life between lives
research, and particularly in the two books The Journey of Souls and The
Destiny of Souls written by Dr. Michael Newton.
Newton had 7000 clients who would repeatedly talk about “now Time.” This involved the idea that they were able to move through looking into a crystal or being shown in a projection time room, scenes of the past and the future. They would use these images to plan their next lifetime and to study events from the past that needed to be fixed.
Go Instantly to a spot near or far.
Space and time are both root assumptions, which simply means
that man accepts both, and assumes his reality is rooted in a series of moments
and a dimension of space. Your inner experience is translated in those terms. The
Channel Seth
Many of the witnesses that I interviewed who claimed
they had flown the craft would talk about the ability to move instantaneously
from one point in space to another.
One example of this was another story told by Ron
Johnson, who had a lifetime of UFO entity encounters. One of those encounters involved being allowed to
pilot the craft.
Ron was told to sit in a chair
that seemed to be built for him. He was then asked where he would like to go.
He said he would like to see the Milky Way from a distance.
Johnson was told to imagine it –
to see it in his head. When he had done that there was an intense G-force that
lasted one second. When that was done, he looked out a window and there in the
distance was the Milky Way. If this story is accurate, it clearly shows time
and space are not what we normally think.
Another person who told this time
distortion story was Ana Ceceilia Gonzalez who is one of scores of NDE
witnesses who talk about being able to be anywhere instantly.
Another NDE witness
who talked about this was Dr. Ingrid Honkala, a biological oceanographer who
has worked with the US Navy running big projects. She had a near-death
experience when she was almost three. Here is how the described time and space.
I put my mind I could go. Time and space had vanished for me. I could be
anywhere at any time. Saw dog at the end of the street and was instantly
there. Saw tree and was instantly there.
Time is also distorted in the
seconds before people have their NDEs if it involves something like a car accident.
The accident will happen in a second or two but many who have experienced it
said it took a lot longer. Time had slowed down.
we have UFO experiencers, psychics, and OBE
people who report being able to move into the future and precognitively
describe things that have not happened yet.
One of the examples from the field of OBEs involved Graham Nichols who has 36 years of
experience teaching OBE techniques. He described one of many precognitive
experiences while out of his body.
were actually four people there. I was teaching the T technique which is one of
the methods I use. It is one of the physical categories. I went into an out of
body experience with this blue grey vision. I was standing and looking down
this street and saw this explosion burst out…I looked down and I saw this
explosion and then I saw the chaos afterwards. I reported this to all the
people that were there when I had the OBE. I said it was precognitive as well.
Then five days later there was this actual bombing that took place (Moore Street bombing).
During the regression she was
asked what time it was, and she said she did not know. The regressionist told
her to look at her watch and she then gave him a time.
Next the regressionist asked her
where she was, and she stated she did not know. The regressionist told her to
look around and view the street sign which she did not do in the initial event.
She looked around and read one of the street signs nearby. They now knew where
she was and how long the missing time had been.
Another regressionist Barbara Lamb
uses this technique to calm the person down while in hypnosis. The person finds
themself on a table scared and panicked about what is happening.
Lamb distracts the person from
their fear by asking what they see around them even though this did not happen
in the initial event. It is like going back in time and changing what happened.
Lamb even gets the abductee to
start asking question of the entities around them. One example is Lamb gets the abductee to ask the
alien what they are doing.
In the one example the entity replied that they were looking at the woman’s
kidney. There was something wrong with the kidney and she should have a Dr.
check it out.
Remote viewers also show clearly that time and space are not what we have come to believe. Dr. Russell Targ, who was one of the founders of the US government’s remote viewing program stated that it is as easy to remote view around the world as it is to remote view in the next room, and as easy to view in the past of future as in the present moment. "The only difference between the past, present, and future,” said Targ, “is our consciousness of it."
Healing Not Influenced by Time of Space
Bill Bengston helped develop the
Bengston Healing
Modality (See Rapid Imaging Chapter). He stated that the healing is not
influenced by distance and thought that it might have to do with information
rather than energy.
did an experiment where the mice were two inches away and we replicated it at
2.000 miles. We got the same result. Now what can cover 2,000 miles.[ii]
The problem with this is that it
would mean that information is travelling many times faster than the speed. It
is the same problem.
The simpler explanation would
appear to be the entangled particle experiment. The entangled particle
experiment explores quantum entanglement, where two particles become
interconnected and share properties regardless of distance. When the state of
one particle is measured, the state of the other instantaneously changes, even
if separated by vast distances. This phenomenon challenges classical notions of
locality and suggests a profound interconnectedness in the quantum realm.
Both the Bengston healing at a distance and the quantum entanglement experiment can be explained by the idea that everything is non-local, and that space may be an illusion.
Psychedelics and Time
Like the UFO experiences with NHI, psychedelics will cause time dilation, time compression,
and timelessness where the usual linear progression of time breaks down, and
the concept of past, present, and future becomes irrelevant.
Materialists trying to explain
this will refer to serotonin receptors in the brain, particularly the 5-HT2A
receptor being affected. This is a simple handwaving explanation as it does not
take into account that almost all paranormal experiencers report the same thing and nothing happens to
the 5-HT2A receptor in those witnesses.
Many people who have the DMT experience will be surprised when they come
back and ask how long they were gone. When one in the New Mexico study was told
15 minutes he said, “It was cognitive dissonance. The mind races to catch up…I
was gone 15 minutes and I had 1,000 years of experience in 15 minutes.” [iii]
Life Between life (LBL) and Time
In the extensive research Dr. Michael
Newton did with 7,000 hypnotized clients who were
taken into spirit world between lives, Newton talked about the lack of time. Clients talked
to him about timelessness or changelessness in the spirit world. Newton also pointed out that the clients also talk
about tunnels of passage to different dimensions which crosses over into the modern
concept of portals.
in deep hypnosis are able to see beyond the Earth reality of 3D reality into worlds of timelessness. In
their subconscious state subjects experience a chronology of time with their
past and present lives which is what they perceive when becoming conscious.
There is a change when I take them into super consciousness, and the spirit world.
Here they see the now of time as one homogeneous unit of past, present, and future. Seconds in the spirit world seem to represent years on Earth. When their sessions are over, clients will often be surprised how time in the spirit world is unified…my research indicates to me that the illusion of time progression is created and sustained for those souls coming to and from physical dimensions. Or those who are used to such biological concepts such as aging, so they more easily gage their advances.
The Brain, Consciousness, and Time
The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. Albert Einstein
Einstein talked about time in the physical
world and illustrated that it is all relative. “Put your hand on a hot stove
for a minute and it seems like an hour,” said Einstein. “Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute.”
There is also a world outside of the physical
world, everything changes. As you float above your body the key question that
arises for me is – Is the consciousness in the brain? Is there a movie
being created by unconscious processes in the brain that we are just watching?
Are we victims?
![]() |
The Consciousness looks back at the brain. |
The 1808 sketch by Luigi Schiavonetti of a soul leaving the body illustrates that the consciousness is not the brain. This is a description that is given as well by millions of OBE and NDE experiencer accounts.
The girl in the Schiavonetti sketch can clearly
determine that the consciousness is not in the brain. If it where
she would sense being in her head. What is clearly shown is that the brain on
the bed is in the consciousness.
Neurology, that has been claiming the consciousness is strictly brain based is wrong.
The perception that the brain was doing various tasks was just a correlation
and not a causation. The fact that it is exactly the opposite shows again that
perception (what we think we see) is always wrong.
The consciousness is independent of the brain but
is in charge of the brain. Now that the consciousness has separated the brain
will die and return to dust. The orchestra conductor is dead, and the music stops, because there is no longer someone to
direct all the various brain instruments.
Even more important is the fact that the world
of the paranormal has illustrated that the consciousness floating around and realize that
the room is also in the consciousness. The stars and galaxies out the window
are also in the consciousness.
Everything is in the consciousness which is just a point in space.
The idea of space disappears when the consciousness is no longer connected to
the physical brain, such as in psychedelic states, UFO experience states, OBE states, NDE states, remote
viewing states, psychic states, and meditative samadhi
NDE experiencers, who report being separate from their brain talk about time
disappearing. One example is Ellen Wier, one of the
64% of NDErs who reported in a survey that time stopped or lost meaning. She said,
“Time seemed to have no meaning in this place, and though I couldn’t tell how
long I was there, it felt like a lifetime.”
Another said talked about the ability to transit
the universe instantly and then talked about the intense light that did not
hurt the eyes which is a crossover discussed in the Light chapter. “I felt that
I traversed galaxies in an instant. Then I saw myself approaching a light
brighter than a thousand suns and knew that I would be annihilated in it.”
In the UFO FREE surveys these non-local time and
space states are referred to as Matrix-like realities.
When these states end, and the consciousness lowers it vibration to reconnect to the physical
brain the illusionary perception of time and space returns.
The parietal cortex once again creates the perception
its role in creating time in the current moment, while the hippocampus returns
to create perception of time in the past through memories it stores.
The sense of space is a result of the
coordinated activity and communication between parietal lobe, hippocampus, the thalamus,
the visual cortex, vestibular system in the inner ear, and the somatosensory cortex
that cortex processes information from the body's sensory receptors.
Mediums. ITC, Remote Viewing, and Channelers
Louis is a medium who also works with instrumental trance communication to talk
to the deceased. He is the author of the book Finding Hope in the Afterlife: An
Honest Account of my Spiritual Journey and Afterlife Research.”
Like other
mediums he s just cued with a name and then he reads for 30 minutes on the
person. He does not report having to wait for the person to fly in from heaven,
and he does not have to go into the ether looking for the person. The entities
he encounters seem to be hear and now.
This same
story is told by people who do out of body experiences. If they are looking for
someone they are instantly at the site where the person is. If they are looking
for an entity or dead person, they just have to think about that person and
they make contact. Time and space do not seem to be factors.
This leads
to the question of where are the dead people? They appear to be here and now
but vibrating outside of our conscious perception.
The world
that emerges starts to look more and more like the work channelers describe. I
had a chance to talk to beings through a channeler that called themselves CHON
(carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen). When asked if they were extraterrestrial,
they stated that they were not and that they had always been here, indicating
no time, and only the here and now.
The channel
Bashar is one of countless channeled messages that say there is no time and
that we live all our lives at the same time.
Time and space are illusions. Everything
exists at the same time. We only see what we are tuned to the vibration of to
As we change our ideas, we change our
vibrations, we start to see a different world, literally. Because we have
shifted our consciousness, our focus, to a different version of Earth that
exists simultaneously with the version we were on a moment ago. And we are
experiencing literally, bit by bit, whether fast or slow, a progression through
different versions of Earth.
Rational materialist will discount all this as the rambling
of a crazy person. The fact remains, however, that this kind of thinking is
being mainstream.
Scientists are now willing to contend with the ideas of the
matrix and a simulated universe. The main proponent of this was Nick Bostrom, with
his 2003 book, “Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?”
2003, however, is like the bottom of the 9th
inning. The channelers and mediums have been talking about the concept for 150
Finally, there is remote viewing which is now part of the
everyday lexicon. When someone remote views they do not say to their monitor, “I
am flying to the target.” Once given the random target number they say, “I am
at the target.” They did not have to search for it in time and space. They were
instantly there.
Russell Targ was one of the two physicists who ran the first
remote viewing program at the SRI in the early 1970s for the CIA. He summed up
time and space related to remote viewing.
[i] Karen
Swain ATP Radio, “Suzy Hansen 3 Waves of Volunteers: The Inner Sanctum,”
September 22, 2019.
Blossum Your Awesome Podcast with guest Bill Bengston, January 2, 2023
DMT, The Spirit Molecule,
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