Missing Pages of Top Secret UFO Canadian Program


“I am very amused at your attempts to get my Project Magnet report. You will recall that I remarked last March that I didn’t think you had the proverbial snowball of prying it loose. No minister in his right mind is going to release ANY report which in a way might prove embarrassing or give rise to questions which he or his colleagues might find difficult to answer.” (Wilbert Smith in a letter to Bill 1959) 

“There is a great deal more that I would like to publish but the boys topside say no, not at present. Apparently, the need of the moment is to appreciate the great truth of the relationship of man to his Universe; technical details and design data on space ships can come later when we are more civilized.” (Letter to Mrs. Campbell 1958) 

 “Further to our discussion in Washington in December, I have given the matter considerable thought and feel that it would not be wise to discuss our activities with American scientists until we have had an opportunity to have them discussed thoroughly within an entirely Canadian group . . . I shall, however, bring with me to Washington some of the data and my draft report so that you can see at firsthand what we have been doing. I am sure that you will agree it would be premature to discuss these matters with nationals of another country before we have had them cleared by our own people.” (Letter to Aurauld Wright, military liaison at the Canadian Embassy in Washington 1952) 


A couple of months before the USAF managed to shut down Project Blue Book with the Condon Report that stated there was nothing to see, the Canadian Government was also working to kill the UFO story in the public mind.

One interesting document came from the Defence Research Board (DBI) now known as Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC). This is the same group that was spelled out in a March 2023 letter to the Minister of National Defense.

That letter, written by Canadian MP Larry Maguire, spelled out that DRDC had been analyzing UAP recovered hardware through the Five Eyes Foreign Material Program sponsored by the Canadian Forces Intelligence Command since 1950.

1950 was the date of the Top-Secret Memo to the Department of Transport (DOT) and the Research and Development Board Canada unit inside the Department of Defense related to UFOs.

Wilbert Smith, who headed up the DOT UFO Project Magnet, and was a key member of the Defense Research Board UFO Project Second Story reported that he had been informed by American officials that flying saucers exist, it is the most highly classified subject in the USA, a small group headed by President Roosevelt’s science advisor was studying the issue with a small group, the subject was of tremendous significance to the Americans, and other things like mental phenomena may be associated with the flying saucers.

Here is that three page memo.

In 1969 the Canadian Department of Defence decided to get out of the public UFO game. They downgraded the Top Secret memo to confidential and made it known that at no time should the public seen the document. The request to open up the files to the public came from Peter Millman at the Dominion observatory who headed the DOD Project Second Story committee and played a UFO skeptic his whole life.

 It was attached the the DOD investigation report (which sat on the Prime Minister's desk for three months in the early 1950s) called Project Second Story. The Second story files were to be declassified but not the Project Magnet memo.

Then at the end of the memo Wilson mentions that the Magnet document not be destroyed until the subject cooled off.

Luckily for the UFO community the Magnet Top Secret memo was never destroyed. I bet a lot of government people will come to regret that when they are forced to tell the story of what happened.

In 1982 the UFO community discovered that the files of the Project Magnet director, Wilbert Smith, had survived and were about to be mentioned in research by researcher Arthur Bray who now had possession of the files. They had been provided to him by Wilbert's son James who had hidden the files for decades.

What was discovered in the Smith files was that the fact that a lot of documents had disappeared from the Magnet files. These included correspondence with the Canadian Embassy which was passing material to Smith in 1950 about what the Americans were telling them about UFOs. Also in the files was a handwritten interview with Dr. Robert Sarbacher, a military scientist in Washington talking about the fact that flying saucers were real and it was the most highly classified subject in the United States.

The most important document that surfaced with the Smith files was two extra pages to the Top Secret program detailing the scientific work that was planned to backengineer the propulsion of the flying saucers. It is not know if these two pages were destroyed or moved to the Defense Research Board (Now Defense Research and Development Canada which was mentioned by Larry Maguire MP as being involved in UAP hardware research. 

Here are the two missing pages from the Top Secret program found in the file. We know material was being sent to Vannevar Bush at the Research and Development Board in the Pentagon, but there is no evidence this material was shared or commented on by the American scientists working on back engineering flying saucers.

The role of the Canadian government in flying saucer investigation, flying saucer propulsion theory, and encounters with the "boys topside" who were in the flying saucers was extensive. I discuss much of this work in my book The Canadian Government UFO story. The science advisor to the Prime Minister of Canada is scheduled to release a public report on UAPs in the spring of 2024. We will see if the important work done by Canadians in the government in the 1950s on the subject will be included in the report or ignored.


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