The Mind, UFO Intelligence, and Downloads


“One can’t believe impossible things!” Alice said to the White Queen.

“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen kindly.

“When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes

I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast!”


Now imagine these impossible things


  •          An energy healing technique that can cure the most aggressive cancer and Alzheimer’s using a technique of flipping images in your head at a very rapid rate.
  •          Even more amazing, imagine the fact that the person who perfected the bizarre technique, and taught it, claimed to be from another star system.
  • ·         Imagine hundreds of alien abductees watching a screen in a theatre environment as hundreds of environmental images are flashed per second onto the screen in a process they had been taught.
  •          Imagine an eight- year-old girl who would tell of her and another girl encountering two aliens, in a school yard with 60 other children, that flashed thousands of images into their heads at an incredible rate of speed with messages about man’s use of technology and the environmental damage man is doing to the planet.
  •      Imagine aliens who use and teach energy healing to UFO experiencers, and that 50% of all experiencers claim to have experienced a healing to themselves of someone in their family.
  •          Imagine aliens using symbols like subliminal advertising to influence people.

All these things are actually happening. They are happening in a mysterious quiet manner. The techniques are obvious when we actually take a look.

First, let’s take a look at a bizarre energy healing practice called the Bengston Method which uses rapid image cycling as the basis of the technique. The method claims that it can cure the most advanced and aggressive cancers on Earth, as well as almost every other disease including Alzheimer’s.

            Rapid Image Cycling

     Rapid image cycling is a process of using an unconscious process to flip hundreds or thousands of images per second in the mind. It is an impossible sounding process that thousands of people have been trained to do.

Most importantly it is a process that not only makes no sense to the people watching it, it is totally unexplainable to the person trained to do it as well. The inexplicability comes from the fact that the process that makes no sense at all.

Who would dream up the idea that hundreds or thousands of images could be flipped in the mind per second? Who would take the weeks or months that it would take to attempt to be able to do it? Most curious is who would believe that such a practice could cure cancer?

Wouldn’t it make more sense to make up a story with 10 images per second that people might be able to believe? Why flip images in the mind at a high speed? Why would someone think of doing something so weird?

I would never have believed it, but I have been taught to flip the images and I know it can be done.  It inspired me to find out why it could cure cancer. When I discovered aliens using the technique, I became obsessed. The fact that two distinct groups were doing the same thing pointed to the fact that some important discovery might be found by closely researching what was happening.

The model that seemed to pop out of the data dealt with downloads of ideas reported by various people throughout history. That is the only process I could think of as to where this bizarre technique could have come from. My guess of a download process would turn out to be true.

I knew things could pop into the mind from “somewhere else” because it had occurred to me. On February 26, 2012, when I experienced an instantaneous download satori type experience while watching a lecture by the prominent crop circle researcher Colin Andrews. The short story of the three things that popped into my head that day is that the key to understanding the UFO phenomena is to understand non-local consciousness. In other words, move from a physical nuts and bolts approach to a more non-local approach where consciousness is the ground of being.

Once I decided to change my focus from the physical aspects of the UFO problem to a non-local consciousness model, the pieces of the puzzle started to fit together. The model that started to develop is one that many psi researchers, eastern philosophies, and new-age people have espoused in some way for years.

The underlying principle can be described in many ways but the best is one presented over a half century ago by Aldous Huxley. After his first awakening experience with the psychedelic mescaline, he described a world where consciousness was the prime element, and where the conscious mind is simply a filter or a reducer.

Huxley concluded that we are, in the words of Cambridge philosopher C.D. broad “mind at large” and that the role of the conscious ego left brain mind is to filter out virtually everything except that which is required to survive in the physically perceived world. The ego mind’s role is to extract a finite but necessary drop of “reality” from the sea of unbounded consciousness.

Huxley wrote “to make biological survival possible, Mind at Large has to be funneled through the reducing valve of the brain and nervous system. What comes out the other end is a measly trickle of the kind of consciousness which will help us to stay alive on the surface of this particular planet.”[1]

                When I had my download in 2012, I came to realize that there probably is a much bigger sea of unbounded consciousness. It contained all the answers to the universe.[2] I had somehow accessed it for a brief second. It is as if there had been a temporary rip in the conscious filter and I had somehow been given the password to the internet of consciousness for a brief moment. My small mind had joined the big mind. Atman did in fact seem to equal Brahman. I had no idea how it had happened. I simply had “absolute certainty” that the concept I had been given was right.

                There have been scores of these noetic type experiences reported over the years. The stories always include the fact that the idea came with absolute certainty and great excitement. I discovered scientists and engineers like Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Dr. Fred Hoyle, and Dr. Richard Feynman who spoke of an enlightenment moment or discovery that came with absolute certainty.

                A review of the stories of UFO experiencers showed the same certainty experience where the experiencer was given or shown something that provided an insight into how reality worked, and which came with absolute certainty.

                I began the search looking for others who had been given similar temporary access to this apparent unbounded consciousness.

                The results were immediate and soon I had an entire 300+ page manuscript of downloads and inspirations by musicians, inventors, Nobel Prize winners, artists, authors, UFO experiencers, and medical doctors. I discovered that in some areas the claims of downloads were very high such as with the 2500+ experiencers who filled out the Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE) survey where 43% were claiming scientific, technical, or mathematical downloads that they had not learned through other means. I met some of them and was amazed at what they were claiming: especially the non-science woman who showed me the 25-page scientific paper that suddenly appeared in her head.

                The downloads I documented went across the spectrum from Paul McCartney describing how the songs “Yesterday”, “Let It Be,” and “No Regrets” came in dreams, to J.K. Rawlings telling the story of all the Harry Potter books all came to her in an instantaneous download, L. Frank Baum getting the story for the Wizard of Oz in an instantaneous download, to Chinese Academy of Science physicist Shan Gao who developed the quantum theory of electron discontinuous motion which came during a vision of oneness in the early morning of October 12, 1993.

The Bengston Method

     Of all the downloads I researched, perhaps the most amazing download I saw was the Bengston method of energy healing. It is called the Cadillac of all healing claims claiming to be able to deal with such incurable diseases as cancer, Crohn’s, and Alzheimer’s. Except for people who have had chemotherapy and radiation, which seems to prevent treatment, the method claims that the more aggressive the cancer, the better it works. The figure given for supposedly incurable Alzheimer’s treatments is claimed by healer Bernadette Doran to be 95%.

Dr. William Bengston, who directs all the research on the technique, is a professor of sociology at St. Josephs College in New York and the president of the Society for Scientific Exploration.

According to the Bengston website;

Dr. Bengston has been conducting research for over 30 years and has proven the effectiveness of his technique in 10 controlled animal experiments conducted in 5 university biological and medical laboratories… His healing research produced the first successful full cures of transplanted mammary cancer and induced sarcomas in experimental mice…and mice that were cured of cancer were cured for life – they had no future recurrences. (Author’s note: no radiation or chemotherapy treatment has ever cured a single mouse in similar test conditions. The longest survivor was 27 days. Bengston’s mice lived full 200-day lives.)


Besides the stunning results on laboratory mice, the Bengston method also ran experiments which showed a potentially important entanglement element. The 35 years of laboratory work shows control mice remitting cancer by the healer just being in the same room as if this action entangled the mice in the experiment. The mice had to be blindly located in other building and locations.

Bengston’s technique was also able to show phase locking of the brains of the healer and the healing subjects with EEGs of both to show a linking between the two brains at Schumann’s resonance of 7.81 Hz and then at double and triple the Schumann resonance.

The 23.5 triple Schumann's resonance is also seen in the angle the Earth is tilted at. It is a key number in the great pyramid, and is involved in the message that Jim Penniston got at Rendlesham in December 1980 when he touched the side of a landed craft, It is also tied into the speed of light, as claimed by this article.

Other types of energy healing techniques have shown this same ability to attain brain waves in the Schumann range. None that I am aware of have illustrated the brain’s phase locking. Moreover, experiments conducted by Dr. Michael Persinger at Laurentian University showed a key component in psychic abilities seemed to be for the psychic Ingo Swan, who was tested there, to get and hold a Schumann’s resonance in his brain.[3]

Persinger asked.

"Was he successful? Most of the time. However the degree of accuracy was related to the amount of 7 Hz activity over the right hemisphere of his brain."

The same rule applied to the tests done at Laurentian with psychic Sean Harribance.

 Measurements taken via EEG's during times when Harribance was performing a "reading" (or gathering non-local information) on a person, showed consistency between the frequency over the right hemisphere of his brain, and the Schumann resonance. When Harribance was performing a reading, the 7 Hz frequency, (consistent with the Schumann resonance's baseline frequency), showed on the EEG monitors.

 The non Schumann resonance has at least in one experiment been shown to cause illness.

In one experiment, conducted by a professor at the Max Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology, a group of student volunteers spent 4 weeks living in an underground bunker which screened out the (7-8 Hz) baseline Schumann frequency. During that course of time, the volunteers' circadian rhythms (sleeping and waking patterns) altered, and they also suffered migraine headaches, and emotional distress. When the Schumann resonance was re-introduced to the bunker, the health of the volunteers stabilized again.


The Rapid Imaging Key


The entire Bengston Method centers in large part on a process known as “rapid image cycling” being done by the healer. It is unique to every other healing modality. The rapid image cycling requires the healer to take at least 20 selfish ego images such as a new car, trip to Italy, or a new house with pool, and then rapidly spin them like a filmstrip at rates of hundreds or thousands of images a second.

When I first heard of the process associated with this super energy healing I was certain I knew what was happening. It fit in with the model that had developed after I received my download information in 2012.

Like meditation, hypnosis, remote viewing, or psychedelics, the cycling process was shutting down the conscious ego mind and creating a rip in the conscious filter allowing whatever hocus pocus to enter and restore balance to the body and thus producing a cure. This is done by distracting the rational ego mind with ego appealing images. A key part of the training is that no altruistic philanthropic ideas are to be part of the list. In the training Bengston identifies it as a selfish system.

The cycling process moves from a left brain conscious rational analytical process to an unconscious right brain process like breathing, learning a language, walking, or driving a car.[4] The unconscious process is like the Beatles creating music which was described by Yoko Ono as, “They were like mediums. They weren’t conscious of all they were saying, but it was coming through them.”

The gathering of the information and energy required to do such a thing could also be compared to a single human cell that is able to unconsciously source all the 100 trillion atoms needed to build each new cell, the plan to build each of the 100 trillion cells that are required to build a human being, and the ability to get all 100 trillion cells in the body cells to work in complete cooperation and Oneness. The left brain rational analytical scientists who describe the process have no ability or knowledge to do any of this. (They cannot build a body or a cell.)

Like the mystery of the cell, there is a mystery as to where the Bengston technique came from.  In his lectures, Bengston usually states that he and a psychic named Bennett Mayrick developed the technique. Mayrick was a psychic that Bengston met while attending University. Mayrick had incredible psychic skills including being 100% accurate in an 8-person intuitive diagnosis experiment set up by Bengston. Bengston had people sign their names and place it in an envelope at the reception desk of a major hospital. Just holding the envelope later when they were collected Mayrick was able to diagnose their illness without error. Later Mayrick learned he could heal people and Bengston began studying him to discover how he was able to do it.

The idea that Mayrick developed the technique, however, has never made much sense because the technique is totally out of left field. Who, for example, would sit down one day and say, “I think I am going to develop a way to spin 20 ego appealing images in my head at hundreds of frames a second?”

No one would put themselves through this meaningless task, and most would quit to more productive things in minutes. Most importantly the only way to know that the system can cure cancer and other diseases only comes after the process has been perfected and flipping images at the rate of thousands a second takes some time to perfect. Until then it is a stupid game with no goal.

Another element of this left conscious/ right non-local mind connection to the Bengston that should be considered which validates it involves looking at what diseases have the highest success rates. This is a question that was put to Bernadette Dora, who runs one of the key healing clinics to document their work with the Bengston method. Her answer was pets and Alzheimer’s patient. The significant factor for both groups is that neither has a left-brain ego mind.

In addition, consider the following piece of left/ right brain evidence provided by Bengston related to the ten controlled animal experiments he carried out in five university biological and medical laboratories. What resulted was “the first successful full cures (and subsequent immunity to the cancer) of transplanted mammary cancer and methylcholanthrene-induced sarcomas in experimental mice with hands-on techniques.” There was complete remission in all the mice, and the mice became immune to trying to reintroduce the cancer.

Bengston did many of the healings in these studies. He reported that he did the cycling procedure and as soon as he felt the heat coming from his left palm, he would put his hands on the sides of the cage and just wait until the heat process ends. This is important because the left hand (and left side of the body) is run by the right non-local brain. When asked about the heat coming out of the left hand Bengston stated in a training session that I attended in Chicago that it is always the left hand where the heat arises – even with left-handed people.

The implication is that once the left brain is made quiet, the right side can allow the energy to flow and it will flow through the left hand.

Perhaps a more significant observation related to these studies is that the mouse in each cage would move to the left hand of the healer and press its tumor against the hand. To future test, this observation Bengston would spin the cage disorienting the mouse. When he placed his hands on the side of the cage the mouse would again move and place its tumor against the felt hand. After training on one occasion during training I felt the heat coming from my left hand.

The Source

So where did it come from? I was absolutely certain that it had to be a download which inspired Mayrick to come up with this bizarre irrational technique.

                I searched and searched and finally I found a reference to where the rapid imaging had come in the course that Bengston uses to teach the method. Bengston stated that information on the healing technique was provided by Mayrick and that answersspontaneously came out of his mouth,” and “answers would come to him as he was asked questions”

Bengston uses the word spontaneous, and one can’t blame him. He is the President of the Society for Scientific Exploration and is forced to play in the scientific sandbox. Playing in the scientific sandbox is like being a 14-year-old young man in the projects. You must have the baseball hat on sideways, the crotch of the pants must be down to the knees, the underwear must be hanging out, and the right color must be visible. If you don’t play by the rules, you will be rejected and be subject to attack. The punishment is equivalent to the 16th century burning at the stake, and any scientist who dares to be different will have to be talked off a ledge before it is all over.

Religion has its Gods and science has its magical superheroes. Spontaneous is one of the scientific superheroes, known as spontaneous man. It is safe to use his name when living in the scientific sandbox. He has superpowers and he is never questioned about how he does his smoke and mirror tricks. He is like Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can. Other scientific superheroes include placebo man, instinct man, spontaneous remission man, illusion man, genetic memory man, and the superhero of all superheroes that started it all singularity man. To challenge any of these superheroes, or to question how they do their tricks elicits the same reply, “Shut up and calculate.”

So, from what Bengston said it was apparent that Mayrick was getting some sort of download. I searched and searched and finally there it was in Bengston’s book Energy Healing. The bizarre rapid image technique had been a download from beings that operate or understand the non-local field of consciousness. Bengston wrote that Mayrick claimed that he was receiving inspiration and help from spirit guides and that they followed him around. They were described a “stereotypically humanoid in shape, without facial features, hands, or legs, as if they were wearing diaphanous sheets too opaque to see through.”   Later Bengston reported that the “fellows” followed him around when Hayrick was not around.[5]

Therefore, it was in fact spirit guides who gave instructions for the technique of rapid image cycling leading to a method for treating Alzheimer’s and the deadliest of cancers. As predicted no, one figured it out.

Sigil Magic Connection

     The second part of the Bengston method is involved in the technique is charging the cycling with emotion. As the healer is cycling waiting for the heat to come out of the left hand, he/she thinks about an emotion at the same time. The stronger the emotion the better the process works. So where does the idea to charge the process with emotion come from? Although this has never been spelled out it was probably also part of the download Mayrick received.

Bengston uses it and it is used elsewhere. Another area where it is found is in the world of sigils used in magic. A sigil is a symbolic representation of the magician's desired outcome. It is created by taking an intention and writing it down in a sentence. Next, all the vowels and duplicate letters are removed from the sentence. The remaining vowels are used to create a visual image which will not be recognized by the left conscious mind (which recognizes words) but will be recognized by the right unconscious mind (which recognizes images and symbols) which is able to build a physical reality to the mental desire.[6]

This image is then charged with a strong emotion, the theory goes, to help drive it in the unconscious. Trainers will point to viewing the image at the point of organism, or in a state of anger. The famous comic book creator Grant Morrison, in creating the comic series The Invisibles, which consisted of concepts he claimed were given to him by aliens, stated that he drew one key sigil on his chest and then did a bungee jump where the fear would drive the image into the unconscious mind. He claimed to have gotten his request.


Bengston Energy Healing Method

Magic Manifestation through Sigil Creation

Images used are selfish ego images.

The process is used to manifest personal desire.

Images are flipped at incredible speed to move them from conscious memory to unconscious memory

A sigil image is created which will remove it from the conscious mind which can’t read it to the unconscious which can.

The rapid cycling is accompanied by a strong emotional feeling to create healing.

The sigil is activated by accompanying it with a strong emotion to move it into the unconscious.


                There is also a connection between sigils and aliens, as many experiencers tell stories of being shown symbols, being taught to read complex three dimensional collections of symbols, and

Spirit Guides


The concept of spirit guides is a well-known one. Everyone, for example, will be familiar with Jimmy Stewart as George Bailey, who is helped by an angel named Clarence Odbody in the old Christmas movie It’s a Wonderful Life who shows him what it would be like if he were not alive. For this Clarence gets his angel wings. No one fights the fairy tale version of the idea.

To maintain, however, that such things actually happen in the present materialist paradigm (where things are meaningless and the main law is to kill, rape, pillage, and steal, or in a world of the survival of the fittest, you will not survive), is another story.

What is not known is that the stories about helpful spirit type figures are much more common than one might think. Not only that but some of the key developments in the 20th century have been attributed to helping spirit entities.

Consider for example the Alcoholics Anonymous organization and the story of one of its co-founders William Wilson who wrote the main AA book The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. In a letter to his Catholic Priest friend, Father Ed Dowling, Wilson stated that he had received help and guidance from spirits while preparing the book. The main spirit was a 15th-century monk named Boniface who was being spoken with through an Ouija board in Wilson’s séance room at his house. Needless to say, this did not go over well with AA members when it was made public.

Then there was the story of the invention that was so popular that its name became a verb – Xerox. Everyone has used the photocopying technology but few know that the original technology came from spirits. Chester Carlson was convinced by his wife to move his experiments and to spend long hours in meditation to raise his psychic abilities and talk to the other side. When he filed his October 6, 1942, patent for the Xerox photocopying he firmly believed that he had received the necessary knowledge from the other side. Carlson was not alone in his inventive partnership with spirits. Amanda Jones attributed vacuum canning to guidance from her spirit guides. [7] Both Lynn Charleston, who invented hydraulic power steering and Arthur M. Young who invented the Bell helicopter, believed their intuitions had a connection to higher spiritual sources.[8]

Another company where the invention became a verb is google, which came not through the rational analytical mind but through a dream.[9] Larry Page who had the dream said it gave him the idea of downloading the entire internet and keeping the links. [10]

This material on downloads from outside the conscious mind would tend to support the idea that research in this area could be productive, and provide insights into some of our biggest problems.  Many such as Adam Galinsky of the Kellogg School of Management have already picked up on this. "Conscious thought is better at making linear, analytic decisions, but unconscious thought is especially effective at solving complex problems. Unconscious activation may provide inspirational sparks underlying the 'Aha!' moment that eventually leads to important discoveries."

The “aha!” information may be particularly important when one considers that those who have had this experience (myself, Edgar Mitchell, Fred Hoyle, Richard Feynman) report that the information comes with the feeling of absolute certainty about the accuracy or importance of the information. 

The Alien Connection 

More interesting than the spirit connection to the Bengston Method is the alien connection. It is an area that most don’t talk about. There is, however, some important information that can come by looking.

Mayrick was claiming spirit guides who theoretically live in the same non-local world of consciousness that our left brain cuts us off from. What he described the beings as looking like is similar to the #1 reported “energy being” being encountered by UFO experiencers. (Grey aliens are actually #3 although the dominate the literature.)

This becomes important when it becomes known that at one point Mayrick actually announced that he was an extraterrestrial, and that he and Bengston were here a part of a team. Mayrick claimed he was from the star Alfa Centauri. When Bengston wrote it up, he wrote up Mayrick’s claim as if it might be the words of a troubled individual.

Now keeping in mind that Mayrick may have had an alien connection and he came up with the wacky idea to do rapid imaging, consider the following story from a UFO experiencer out of New Zealand by the name of Susy Hansen.

Hansen has a lot of recall related to her many extraterrestrial contacts. She told the story that the aliens were teaching her and other experiencers a similar type of cycling technique. This alien cycling may be significant because 50% of all UFO experiencers claim aliens healed them, or that they have been taught to do energy healing and have healed others.

     Hansen reported that in 2010 she and 200-250 experiencers were taken to an underground theater environment and told that they were about to see some images that would be disturbing. The alien in the front of the experiencers said it was necessary to do. Pictures of earthy devastation started to appear on the screen slowly. They increased in speed until there were hundreds of images flashing on the screen at the same time. People were very emotion, and many were crying. It ended, and an alien came out and just by looking out sent a wave of calm over the assembled crowd. (This telepathic ability would also be non-local and therefore very right brained.) The emotion ended but the images remained.

Another person who indicated an alien connection was Enrique Villanueva, who is a Latino contactee, connected with the Project Rama group, living in California. He told of an experience that he had when he was 17 years old where he encountered an old almost petrified tree in the Chilean Desert. There was light coming from behind the tree, so we went to look. There behind the tree was an elder holding a book that appeared to be alive when touched.

In the book there were symbols. Villanueva stated that when he passed his had over the symbols he could see” thousands of pictures running at very high speed. It was like the story of human kind.

62 Children at Ariel School

 More support for the connection between rapid image cycling and aliens come from the well-known story of 62 children at in a school yard during recess in Ruwa, Zimbabwe on the morning of September 16, 1994.

As the children, ranging from 7-14 played, a UFO landed outside of the school yard and alien appeared. Emily Trim, an eight-year-old Canadian girl, attending the school was one of the witnesses. She spoke of her close encounter with one of the aliens on the edge of the schoolyard. 

It was recess and broad daylight. We were just doing our normal thing playing games. There were boundary logs along the edge of the property. One of the games that my friend I used to play is hopping along the boundary logs. We heard a high pitched frequency and from a side perspective, we saw a flash and the craft. It is very hard to describe time at this point so I don’t know how long this all happened. All that I can tell you is that two beings were hopping along Lisa and I. They were curious. They were not touching the ground. They were almost like they were mimicking us. All of a sudden they were in front of us at about an arm’s reach. We were frozen. Telepathic images started going across my face – communication through the eyes – that is all I can describe it as. It was just image image image. One of the other girls that was standing beside me got more communication about the environment. Mine was more technology uses and uses of technology. (explained later to Vendittelli that there was a good way to use technology and a bad way to use it)

        Luigi Vendittelli, who has worked with Trim on the case started there were thousands of images being projected into her mind at a high rate of speed. Like Hansen’s description, the event was very intense. Also, like many other experiencers Trim believed that the experience carried with it an important message for the world.

Later, when back in Canada she had another dramatic encounter with the beings and at that point started a process where she started producing at least 100 paintings. In those paintings, she put in mysterious   symbols   that she had been given that like the sigils described by Morrison contained secret messages to the unconscious minds of those who would view the paintings.            

The last example of the rapid imaging comes from Cynthia Marsh, a police artist in Colorado who also related to me rapid images she was receiving every morning for at least three years as she woke up in the morning. These downloads were part of a number of paranormal experiences she has experienced.

She stated that she received symbols in a language she did not know. They were simple symbols that had dots and Arabic type markings which has been reported by other experiencers.

She stated that as soon as she awoke a symbol would move across her field of vision. Then there would be a second and a third. Eventually the symbols were moving so fast it was like a bur. Her impression was that this was some kind of download going on. She had no idea of what it meant.



Postscript: The Bengston method is not the only download people have claimed related to curing cancer. Two experiencers Suzanne Chancellor and Bret Oldham both described a common experience on board a UFO where in front of a tall gray alien with a cloak they witnessed the appearance of a large 3-D formula in mid-air that they were told was the cure for cancer. In 1953 a Tujunga Canyon California resident Sara Shaw became aware that she was an alien abductee, and in 1955 she began to experience “visions” where she was given a cancer cure involving acetic acid (similar to present day research claiming that an alkaline body will reject cancer). [11] Preston Dennett, in his book UFO Cures, details over a dozen cases where UFO experiencers claimed to have been cured of cancer which indicates the beings understand and have control over cancer.



[1] Ian McKenzie, “Aldous Huxley: Don’t Mistake the Trickle for Ultimate Reality,”

[2] In a poll I conducted at  the 2015 Experiencer’s Speak Conference in Portland Maine, I confirmed the idea that many experiencers believe that at some point in their experience they had the answer to everything in the universe. This knowledge was pulled from them before they returned to their conscious nuts and bolts world. Many near death experience people report the same enlightenment moment. All experiencer’s will report don’t know how they “knew” it was everything in the universe. They will simply say “I just know.”

[3] Maanna Stephenson, “The Sage Age,” page 200

[4] Dr. Bruce Lipton estimates that the conscious mind can process 40 bits a second, whereas the unconscious mind can process 40 million bits a second. The left conscious mind is like a series processor in a computer that can only do a few things and the right brain is a parallel processor that can do multiple things at the same time.

[5] William Bengston, “Energy Cure,” Sounds True, 2010, p.259.

[6] Discoveries in quantum physics have clearly shown that conscious is the primary force and nothing physical can manifest without it. Einstein was one of the physicists who fought the idea saying that he liked to believe that the moon was still there when he was not looking. The famous sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce stated, ‘The mind is the builder and the physical is the result.”

[7] Doris Simonis, “Inventors and Inventions,” Marshall Cavendish, 2007, p.901.

[8] Bonita LaVonne Cuellar, “Leadership and Intuition in a Large Scale Aerospace Corporation,” Proquest 2007, p.39.

[9] Dreams are a very commonly reported way that inventions and ideas are passed into the world. The list includes Bohr 1922 Nobel Prize for the quantum structure of the atom, David Parkingson’s invention of the M9 gun which shot down V-1 rockets over England. Floyd Ragsdale and Kevlar vests, Eli Whitney and the cotton gin, Albert Einstein and the theory of relativity, Frederick Banting’s 1923 Nobel for Insulin, Otto Loewi and his 1936 Nobel for synapse chemical neurotransmission, Alan Huang and optical computers, Elias Howe and the sewing machine,  Michael Barnsley and  optical image software, Friedrich Kekule and the benzene molecule discovery, and finally Dimitri Mendeleyev with the dream that gave us the periodic table. There are also many cases where the eureka download moment occurred when the person was awake such as happened with the Nobel Prize ideas of the laser and the hologram, or the invention of the steam engine, TV, and the printing press.

[10] Larry Page’s University of Michigan Commencement Address May 2009,


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