
Showing posts from January, 2016

Podesta, Open Government, and the Assassination of President Kennedy

If I put you over there in justice I want to you to find the answer to two questions for me: One, who killed JFK? And two, are there UFOs?   Deputy Attorney General Webster Hubbell speaking in his book “Friends in High Places” about a request from President Clinton.   John Podesta has always been a vocal proponent of open government. This had led his to take such stands in public as the release of any withheld government UFO files, because it is a good idea and because “it’s the law.” Clinton and his Chief of Staff John Podesta In a 1998 lecture to the 4 th Annual Intelligence Committee Information and Classification  Management Conference [1] Podesta talked about the role of openness of information in government. “The task in which you are engaged,” said Podesta, “is at the core of what George Washington called America's ‘great experiment.’ Our nation was founded on a principle that was revolutionary then, and too often seems revolutionary today: that go...

Possibly Important UFO Development

​In a couple recent interviews I was mentioning that those in power may be doing things behind the scenes to get out information. I gave examples of Jimmy Carter sending his Press Secretary to the FBI to find out how they handled UFOs, sending his Science Advisor to Nasa to start a new Blue Book style investigation, and pressuring many agencies to cooperate with FOIA requests for UFO documents.  Barack Obama and John Podesta Now, as Obama is leaving office, and one of his main advisers is an open proponent for UFO disclosure we have articles coming out from the CIA on "flying saucer" investigation and "X-files"???? Not bad for an agency that is not involved or interested. As the CIA works for the President, maybe we need to thank Obama and Podesta for this as this administration winds down. The CIA would not make such a bold move without the green light from the White House as the President is ultimately responsible for what the CIA says. ht...

UFOs and the 2008 Election

UFOs and the 2008 Election The UFO subject finally got its 15 minutes of fame during the 2008 presidential election. It became an issue that most of the candidates had to face during the election. Not since 1976 had UFOs played such a key part of the Presidential election, when Jimmy Carter stood up in the campaign and mentioned the fact that he had been a witness to a UFO sighting.  UFO Suicide Usually in a presidential campaign the subject never comes up as experience shows that it does not appear to be a subject that will gain the candidate added votes. Most candidates would probably describe involvement with the issue as political suicide. All one has to do is look back to the 1996 election where Jack Mabardy ran for President on a UFO platform to see what the issue can do to the candidate’s vote count. In the 1996 Presidential election campaign Mabardy, a Massachusetts cab driver was a write-in candidate on the Republican ticket. He urged the US government...