Savants, Science, and Bible Stories
Imagine for a moment what you would do if you were
suddenly, without warning, called to a meeting with God or an alien who was
1,000,000 years more advanced than mankind. If you had 10 minutes to ask
questions what would you ask? Would you ask for the meaning of life? Would you
ask for the Power Ball Lottery numbers? Would you ask for the cure to cancer?
It is a wild concept, but it is not as far from reality as
you might think.
As a child growing up I was brought up with the idea that
all knowledge that one could need was found in the Bible. The idea was that the
Bible was the inspired word of God and therefore infallible. There are a number
of people today who still believe in just such an idea that the Bible or the
Koran is inspired knowledge.
That upbringing left me with a constant awareness that
there might be such things such as inspirations or downloads. There might be
pure and advanced concepts that are given to people through various methods. The
idea seemed worth checking. It seemed like a no-brainer.
I have now identified 15 areas where people appear to be
getting inspirations and downloads from somewhere else – from somewhere outside
the physical ideas of rational calculations and reason. There have been stories
such as two independent people who told me of being on a spacecraft and being
shown a formula they did not understand, and then being told by the same aliens
about the cure to cancer. It seemed like a no-brainer to try and run that story
to ground.
I came to discover that many of our inventions and scientific
discoveries came from this world of inspiration and download. The more I looked
the more inspiration and download appeared to a part of our world. It appeared
clear that there might actually be inspired word and direction from some
non-local realm.
One of the most amazing areas of inspiration and download
appeared to come from prodigies and prodigious savants. This is because they
appeared to be receiving a pure signal of whatever it is that is being
downloaded. Some maintain that the accuracy of the prodigious savants is 100%
and that is almost in the same category as the Biblical claim as being the
inspired word of God.
The accuracy of the savant is such that if you ask someone
like Indian math prodigy Shakuntala Devi to multiply in her head 7,686,369,774,870
and 2,465,099,745,779 she will come up with the correct answer the first try
after only a few seconds.
![]() |
View in Tammet's Head as he multiplies 53 x 131 |
Then there is Daniel Tammet who sees numbers as colors, shapes, textures and sounds who sees shapes in his mind when he is given complex math to do. He simply see the shape of the two numbers he is given, and a new shape, which is the answer, appears in between. He does no calculation but always has the right answer.
These are only two of many stories which provide a powerful
indicator of the ability of the human mind to tune into information that might
be very useful to humanity.
The World of Savants
While studying the scientific explanations for prodigious
savants I suddenly had flashbacks of being back in Sunday School listening to
stories of great miracles. I have had this feeling before having heard
scientists explaining the mysteries of UFOs as prosaic things that make no
What I have come to understand is that science explains
nothing. It only describes.
Science looks at events and describes what nature,
evolution, or the creative force is doing. A example of this might be the
making of an oak leaf. The scientific description of how this happens is that
an oak tree makes an acorn which falls on the ground and becomes covered with
soil. A combination of moisture and heat help the acorn to sprout and form a
small plant which eventually produces leaves.
The oak tree did the whole thing and the scientist did
nothing. The scientist simply described how the oak tree makes a leaf. If the
scientist had not been there the whole process would still have happened. Yet
the scientific image put out by science is that they have control over nature
and are busy creating and inventing things.
Like a Bible story science has set up a cast of characters
and given them names. There is the oak tree, and genes, and DNA, and weather
conditions, and energy from the sun. This naming technique, however, does not tell
us who actually did the magic trick of making an oak leaf, or exactly how the
trick is done.
Science has created lots of names for things they cannot
explain. Science will talk about placebo, singularities, genetic memory, DNA
blueprints, chance, and instinct to describe the magic of nature. They however,
never explain how the trick is done, and they certainly can’t do it themselves.
This is called naming theory. Give it a name and make the
mystery go away. It works all the time.
The question becomes - who are placebo, singularity, genetic
memory, DNA blueprints, and instinct? Each of them sound very much like an all-powerful
old man with a white beard sitting on a cloud. They sound like people who are
mysterious and all powerful because they are the ones doing the magic. The
scientist is just the play by play announcer. Their names could easily be
replaced with Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.
Terance McKenna spoke up about this type of mythical
naming when he talked about the scientific explanation for the origin of man
and the magical process described by science that is used to describe
extraordinary natural events.
The dominant and virtually unchallenged myth or our origin
is either that God created us in 7 days along with the rest of creation or that
the universe was born out of nothingness in a single moment for no reason.
These are the two choices on the menu – neither terribly compelling to
rationalists. Interesting to note that this scientific explanation – the
universe sprang from nothing in a single instant however we may think of it in
terms of its veracity- notice that it is the limit case for credulity. You
understand what I mean?
I mean that if you can believe that – hell - you can
believe anything. Sit down and try and think of something more improbable than
that contention. So it’s like they open up with the one two punch and say put
that in front of them. If they can swallow that then the hydrogen bond, the gene
segregation or whatever will follow hard pace because the hard swallow comes
I maintain that it is a very odd place to look. What that’s
called is a singularity, and many theories require a singularity. That means to
kick start the intellectual engine you have to go outside the system and you
get one free hypothesis and then once you have used that up your system has to
run very very smoothly clear down to the end.
So science uses up its one free miracle with the big bang.
Give me the first 10 to the high 12 nanoseconds and if I can do smoke and
mirrors in that then the rest will proceed in an orderly fashion. Now that is
orthodoxy you have to understand. That’s what the straight people believe.
McKenna talks of one singularity being needed but when it
comes to explaining savant abilities, science is required to pull a whole
string of miracles out of the hat in order to get the whole thing to work
within the physical world view.
The general physical based savant theory is that the brain
(usually the left) is damaged through birth, disease, or injury. When this
happens the theory states that a rewiring of the brain takes place “by a)
‘Recruiting’ and substituting still available, still intact, unused brain
capacity for those brain areas that have been damaged by a variety of
developmental, traumatic or disease induced processes or b) ‘releasing’ stored,
dormant brain capacity from non-dominant brain areas which are freed up after
the dominant brain areas have been damaged.”[1]
Then the rescue brain employs the Hail Mary pass of all
singularity/miracles and uses genetic memory to perform calculations like the 23th
root of a 201 digit number, or a six
year old boy who cannot multiply 5 x 5 but can tell you the day of the week in
seconds for any date you wish to put forward, or the famous Sacks twins who
could tell you day of the week for any day in history, but who replied to questions
that there were 10 minutes in an hour and 10 seconds in a minute.
What is inherited, according to the theory is “not specific
music or mathematical knowledge or skills. Rather what is inherited are the
music, art, or mathematical ‘templates’ or ‘unconscious ‘rules’ of those
specialized skills.”[2]
The theories proposed to physically explain savant syndrome
are of course just made up ideas with no evidence to link to the savant or
reproduce it in a laboratory. They are much like the explanations or “weather
balloons,” “USAF dummies,” and ‘swamp gas” that have been used to provide
earthbound physical explanations for UFOs.
Like the dumb UFO explanations the savant theories come
crashing down with any investigation whatsoever. If the right brain is rewiring
to do the job of the left brain why does it not take over the left brain
functions such as speech and reasoning? It takes over NONE of the left brains
task. They still can’t talk, dress themselves, or do thinks that require
evaluation and reasoning.
The new brain wiring simply gives the savants some
extraordinary ability to do massive mathematical calculations without ever
having had a math lesson, or allow someone to compose 5 symphonies by age five,
or play like a professional without a single music lesson. The poor savant is
left without the ability to talk, count to ten, or dress themselves.
If genetic memory is involved why can many of the math
savants do very complex mathematical calculations, calendar calculations, and
yet not be able to add 4+2? What is the genetic memory mechanism for a person’s
drive and ability to name Pi to 22,514 places, or be able to accurately draw
the entire skyline of NYC after flying over it for 45 minutes in a helicopter?
Did their ancestors practice these skills and pass them down in their genes?
Why are savants 100% accurate in the area of expertise? How can physical genes
provide instructions to the mind which was shown by research done already back
in the 1950s to be non-local?
In the end the physical savant explanation reminds me
greatly of Bible stories I heard as a child. The right brain is in trouble
through injury, birth or disease (The children of Israel are escaping from
Egypt). The right brain (Moses) quickly rewires itself and comes to the rescue.
Then the new brain somehow taps into genetic memory (Moses’ staff) and is able
to create musical, artistic, and mathematical talents that clearly look like
miracles (dividing the Red Sea) so the children of Israel can escape.
What we have to be interested in is not the story but how
is the trick or miracle done? The right brain rescue and genetic memories are
nothing more than multiple miracles being asked for again by science.
The description of the physical mechanism for savant talent
is total smoke and mirrors. It is nothing more than a stop gap theory to keep
the physical universe intact, because if the physical world theory comes under
attack it will be the disastrous situation described by George Costanza in
Seinfeld – Worlds will be colliding!!
A new mechanism is required to explain the savant miracle.
That mechanism will involve the consciousness which science has also tried to
explain with singularities, nonsensical explanations, and Bible stories. It
will involve morphic fields[3]
and many other things that physical reductionist scientists will do everything
in their power to keep out of the doctrines of belief.
It will come with a model of some sort in inspiration
download mechanism.
Until then we will have to contend with the smoke and
We may not have to wait to long. According to Dr. Diane Powell who spent the first part of this year doing scientific controlled tests on non-verbal autistic children exhibiting telepathic abilities, "I have the data that could mute the Amazing Randy challenge."
Dr. Powell did experiments on children who were able to telepathically read long digit target numbers. The highlight was one young girl who was able to accurately give back a 162 digit number with no mistakes.
We may not have to wait to long. According to Dr. Diane Powell who spent the first part of this year doing scientific controlled tests on non-verbal autistic children exhibiting telepathic abilities, "I have the data that could mute the Amazing Randy challenge."
Dr. Powell did experiments on children who were able to telepathically read long digit target numbers. The highlight was one young girl who was able to accurately give back a 162 digit number with no mistakes.
Darold Treffert, “Islands of Genius,” Page 53
Ibid page 59
Rupert Sheldrake on Morhic Fields,
great article grant and much to consider. thank you! d