
Farewell to a Long Time Friend

  Each of you are now involved in a much larger production, in which you all agree to certain basic assumption that serve as a framework within which the play can occur. The assumptions are that time is a series of moments one after another; that an objective world exists quite independently of your own creation and perception of it; that you are bound within the physical bodies that you have donned; and that you are limited by time and space. Other assumptions accepted for the same reason include the idea that all perception comes through your physical senses; in other words, that all information comes from without, and that no information can come from within. You therefore are forces to focus intensely upon the actions of the play. Now these various plays, these creative period pieces represent what you would call reincarnational lives. Seth, as channeled by Jane Robert. All that we would consider in the modern world to be evil, is created by one thing and one thing only. Evil i
The Paranormal Rosetta Stone and the Alarm Clock July 18, 2024 It is my late 5 th walk of the day. I walk a lot and listen to interviews on my phone. I am listening to researcher Mike Clelland’s podcast interview with abductee Sherry Wilde, author of The Forgotten Promise . Earlier in the day I had listened to his interview with abductee researcher Bret Oldham. Mike does a lot of interviews that really enhance things I think about. I learn a lot from his interviews. Mike and Sherry are talking about owls and the experience Sherry’s mother had with one. Next, they talk about how the eyes are a key part of the communication that is happening. As they talk my mind flashes to Oldham talking about a bloody four-finger handprint he found on the bed sheet. He thinks this is directed at him. I immediately think that a handprint was also discovered by abductee Betty Andreasson on a mirror after an experience, and the rumored story that Leslie Kean had a single handprint on a window. These hand

Is Everything as it Should Be in the World?

This is a subject I address in an upcoming book series on the paranormal called The Big Game. I had a number of witnesses describing different situations where they got the absolute assurance that everything was perfect. This included people with NDEs, people in float tanks, meditating, LSD sessions, and shared near death experiences. Even I have had a version of this myself a few times. To check this heretical idea I posed the question to "the guides," channeled by Marjie Bassler, who I have questioned on many subjects. Here is how they answered. It completely fits with what others have stated. Question from Grant: Many have had the vision that everything is perfect and the way it is supposed to be. What can you tell us about this?   We are here for Grant in this question. And perhaps one difficulty in thinking about this is the phrase “supposed to be.” Some will interpret this as meaning that outcomes are fixed and determined in advance by some power, call it god, the unive
  Here are the lectures I have offered to do on the Contact at Sea Seattle to Alaska Cruise September 6-13. I am not sure at this time how many of these I will present.   This is the only USA event I have planned for this year. Contact and The Theory of WOW Why do UFOs do 90 degree turns in the sky? Why do they have lights on the craft? Why do crafts form triangles in the sky or put triangles on people's arms? Why do many UFO experiencers wake to find their night clothes inside out and backward? Why don't alien have clothes, belly buttons, or sex organs? Why do paranormal forces hide your keys, leave a coin in the middle of the bathtub, or hide your cell phone in the freezer? Does an alien come across 1000 light years of space to make crop circles in England or land in a school yard at recess only to leave minutes later? Who mutilated 10,000 cattle in the later part of the 20th century and why? Why do hooded figures with no face show up in people's bedroom? Who are

Where does the Government Hide the UFO Secret?

Former CIA Official Jim SemivanDetails Possible UFO Secrecy Origin The Presidential Emergency Action Documents Perhaps the biggest unsolved question in the UFO research world deals with who holds the secrets, the hardware, and how did they manage to keep it so secret since 1947. Recently the NYTs did a podcast piece on how the WW11 Manhattan Project was kept totally secret, even from the vice-president despite 130,000 people working on the project, spending 13 billion dollars (2023 dollars), and building the base  and town of Los Alamos. Congressional reporter Catie Edmondson who did the story said that it was so secret it took her a long time to find records of how Roosevelt got the money, outside the eyes of the media, and almost the entire Congress. It was this example of how to do secrecy that may have led to techniques to hide the UFO story only 5 years later after the crash outside of Roswell, New Mexico. There was actually only one place where the story of what happened wa

"There's a sucker born every minute" P. T. Barnum

 The Hollman Landing Film In many interviews over the years I have talked about how there may have been 8 seconds of the actual Holloman Landing in May 1971 inserted into the 1975 documentary UFOs, Past, Present, and Future. When I asked Emenegger about this he said "It didn't show anything." When I asked him what that meant he said it did not show the object up close or the entities leaving the craft. Emenegger never said how it got in the film or if it was definitely original footage. The only thing that did not match is that according to Emenegger there were three objects, two broke away and the one landed. Yes that is the plot of Close Encounters of the Third Kind that was released two years later, where everyone is waiting for the craft, it lands, beings come out, and there is an exchange. Emenegger had provided Spielberg a copy of the documentary who Annie Spiel who worked for Emenegger. The other night I was on Holly Wood's X-Space as a guest and the question w

Free Excerpt from the Book Jimmy Carter. Paranormal and UFO Tales

  Jimmy Ca rter:  Paranormal  AND UFO TALES   Grant Cameron                Contents Introduction .............................................................................1 Carter and Clinton .................................................................. 5 The Stage is Set ...................................................................... 7 The Carter UFO Sighting ....................................................... 9 The UFO Briefing ................................................................ 14 Information on UFO Briefings ................................17 The Carter UFO Briefing .........................................20 Jimmy Carter and UFOs  ....................................................... 23 The UFO President .................................................. 23 Campaign UFO Talk ................................................ 24 Jimmy Carter Cries ............................................................