The 64 Reasons Why the Government Might Have Chosen not to Disclose the ET Reality This article was last updated in 2010 so some of what is said may no longer apply. It may simply point out that the idea UFO disclosure and how the government deals with it has been going on for a long time. Recent discussion in the ufology has been dominated lately by the idea of disclosure. The underlying idea is that the “government” should or would come to their senses and tell us the whole truth of the story. I think there is a general agreement within the UFO community that UFO disclosure on the part of the government would be a good idea. Many researchers are therefore somewhat distressed that the government has made few open indications of any disclosures any time soon. There is, however, a disconnect between what is viewed as the apparent best course of action, and what is happening. In the many lectures I have given on the President and his role in the UFO cover-up I have bee...
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