The Non-Local Nature of Music
The more analytical you become about music the farther you move from art. You move from right brain to left brain. When I write I seldom think about the key, scales, or the proper chords. I just simply write what’s in my mind.” Doug Marks noted as the man who taught more people to play the guitar than anyone else with his Metal Method Instructional tapes. Music is a big part of most people’s daily lives. This being the case it might be important where music comes from and how musicians get their songs. In studying the music writing process I have come to see that it is much more a paranormal, non-local, and a right brained activity, than anything even close to being rational or carefully planned.. Many of the greatest songs of all times came in dreams. This is unusual as dreams are usually symbolic and nonsensical. The hundreds of major musicians who have had the dreams experience where they are presented a song report that it is clear and lucid like waking consciousness. E...